Postoperative Aeration of the Tympanic Cavity in Relation to Eustachian Tube Function.
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One of the purposes of tympanoplasty is the creation of an aerated middle ear cavity, and the ventilatory function of the eustachian tube should play an important role in the attainment of this goal. In this study, the relation between the results of tympanoplasty and tubal function is discussed with the computed tomographic evaluation of postoperative middle ear aeration following canal down tympanoplasty.On the bases of the results of the modified inflation test, 24 patients (22 ears with cholesteatoma, 2 with atelectasis) were divided into two groups: 14 ears with fair tubal function and 10 ears with poor tubal function. CT studies were performed 6 months to 1 year after the surgical procedure, with 1.0 mm contiguous sections in the semi-axial projection. Middle ear aeration was classified into 4 grades according to the CT findings. The fair tubal function group showed significantly better postoperative aeration than the poor tubal function group. In addition, in the former group the prognosis for postoperative hearing was satisfactory.Eustachian tube function correlated well with the results of tympanoplasty, suggesting that tubal function plays an important role in the prognosis after ear surgery.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
倉田 響介
高橋 晴雄
京都大学医学研究科 感覚運動系病態学講座 聴覚・言語病態学領域
高北 晋一
藤田 明彦
風間 宣彦
高北 晋一
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