Acute paranasal sinusitis in intensive care unit patients - A report of four cases.:-A Report of Four Cases-
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We describe four patients with acute sinusitis which developed in the intensive care unit following the long term use of intubation tubes or nasogastric tubes. They had fever and leukocytosis which started 8 to 25 days after insertion.CT scans revealed sinusitis in all four cases. In two patients, the lesions were seen recognized only in a maxillary sinus, while the remaining two showed evidence of pansinusitis, one had bilateral sinusitis. Cultures of maxillary discharge grew out staphylococcus aureus, peptostreptococcus, candida albicans and citrobacter freundii. All four cases were treated with antral puncture and sinus irrigation, and definite improvement of acute sinusitis was documented. Intubation tubes and feeding tubes in the nasal cavities may be considered one of the etiologic factors leading to acute sinusitis. In this regard, in the clinical courses of such ICU patients with persistent fever of unknown origin and/or leukocytosis, acute sinusitis should be kept in mind as possible of infection.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
牧本 一男
高橋 宏明
井上 功
本山 壯一
大野 正博
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