Cementifying fibroma of the ethmoidal sinus with intracranial invasion.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Cementifying fibroma is a rare benign tumor containing cementicles. The tumor usually arises from the periodontal membrane of the mandible or maxilla, and usually remains symptom-free because of its limited size.We describe such a tumor in a 35-year-old female because of its rare site and unusual invasive growth. The tumor occupied the entire ethmoidal sinus area apart from the periodontium, and it was associated with exophthalmos and decreased visual acuity. The tumor extended into the anterior cranial fossa, resulting in destruction of the tegmen plate of the nasal cavity. The tumor was removed via a lateral rhinotomy and an anterior craniectomy. This is the 7th report of cementifying fibroma of the ethmoid. The authors recommend the combined approach via swing-door lateral rhinotomy and anterior craniectomy as one of easy access to a large tumor such as the one reported here.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
岸本 誠司
齋藤 春雄
栗坂 昌宏
高知医科大学 脳神経外科
西山 正司
栗坂 昌宏
浜田 栄幹
園部 宏
木村 正
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