- 論文の詳細を見る
Patients with peripheral facial palsy caused by Bell's palsy, Hunt's syndrome, trauma, tumor and otitis media were followed for a minimum of 6 months. Of the total group of 159 cases, complete recovery was achieved in 105 (66.0%) and incomplete recovery in 54 (34.0%). Patients with pathologic synkinesis and/or with incomplete return of function were judged to have had incomplete recovery. Of the 54 incompletely recovered patients, 46 (85.2%) had pathological synkinesis, indicating more severe nerve damage than the third degree of Sunderland. The severity of the palsy at the first visit was closely related to the outcome. Patients with Bell's palsy, which was complete at the initial examinations had a lower recovery rate than those with mild or slight palsy (p<0.005). Of the 24 surgically treated patients, 18 (75.0%) had poor results. Surgically treated patients had a lower rate of recovery than conservatively treated patients (p<0.005). The poor outcome was correetly prognosed in 89.2% of the patients with the results of tear tests, salivary flow tests, salivary pH tests, impedance audiometry tests and the NET. The results of the steroid treated incomplete recovery group were compared with those of the surgically treated incomplete recovery group. No statistically significant difference was noted between the two groups. It was possible that the decompression operations were done after irreversible pathological changes had occurred in the facial nerves. It is noteworthy that in 50% of patients with malignant tumors the severity of the palsy fluctuated.
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