外リンパ圧の動的変化--各種ガス吸入の効果について (京都大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室6年間の歩み(1977-1982年)--檜学教授還暦によせて)
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Using glass micropipets of 1-5μm in tip diameter and an active nulling pressure measuring system, the hydrostatic pressure of the inner ear fluid was successfully and accurately measured through the round window membrane. The dynamic changes in perilymphatic pressure occurring after inhalation of different gas mixtures (5 percent CO2 and 95 percent O2/carbogen, 5 percent and 10 percent CO2 in room air, 100 percent oxygen) were recorded. The maximal oxygenation of the perilymph combined with minimal increase in perilymphatic pressure was achieved following inhalation of carbogen. The correlation between variations of pressure of the perilymph and of the systemic blood circulation shows that a regulatory system is present in the inner ear vessels. The pressure measuring system used has proven to have all the requirements that are needed for its use in humans.
永原 國彦
Fisch Ugo
Zürich Univ.
Dillier Norbert
Zürich 大学脳神経外科
吉村 恭幸
Zürich 大学脳神経外科
吉村 恭幸
Zürich 大学脳神経外科
Fisch Ugo
Zürich 大学脳神経外科
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