Electroneuronography for prognostic evaluation of facial paralysis.
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Eighty three consecutive patients with either Bell's palsy or Ramsey Hnut syndrome were first conservatively treated for two weeks with intravenous administration of steroid and intermittent inhalation of carbogen (95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide). When the amplitude on the electroneuronogram (ENoG) on the affected side decreased to less than 10% of that on the contralateral healthy side, decompression surgery of the tympanic and mastoid portions of the facial nerve was conducted up to the level of the geniculate ganglion. Ninety-seven percent of the patients recovered completely without surgery when the ENoG amplitude exceeded 10%. Sixty-five percent of the patients with the ENoG amplitude less than 10% recovered completely when the operation was performed, usually within three weeks from the onset. Decompression surgery improved the cure rate by 37%. No significant low tone hearing loss was noted after surgery.
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