A case of double pleomorphic adenoma occuring parotid and palate.
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Pleomorphic adenoma were once called "mixed tumors". In tumors, of the salivary gland, the incidence of this tumor is rather frequent. By the site of its occurrence, the parotid gland is frequently involved in pleomorphic adenoma of the major salivary gland and the palatal gland in that of the minor salivary gland. However, multifocal and primary pleomorphic adenoma is very rare. Recently the authors encountered 4 rare case that appeared to have occurred in the parotid gland and minor salivary gland of the palate.<BR>The patient, a 64-year-old man was presented on November, 1984 at the Department of Oral Surgery of our University with a chief complaint of a swelling in the palatal region. Extraoral examination revealed an elastic, solid mass of 35×20mm in size in the region of the right parotid gland, which was ill-defined and displayed poor mobility. Oral examination revealed a semi-spherical, elastic and soft mass of 41×40mm in size from the right hard palate to the soft palate. Both the masses were then surgically excised including healthy tissues. The lesion in the palate was excised by the intraoral approach. The lesion in the parotid gland was excised by incision from the anterior region of auricula to the mandibular angle. Histopathological examination of the both excised specimen established the diagnosis of pleomorphic adenoma. The postoperative course was uneventful without evidence of recurrence for both the lesions.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
内海 順夫
山本 美朗
角田 豊作
高 徳松
角田 豊作
内海 順夫
渡辺 隆史
平沼 康彦
江場 光芳
加藤 一彦
辻 哲生
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