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Effect of age on the contents of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and collagen in the rat gingiva was studied biochemically and histochemically. Male wistar rats of 4, 11〜12 and 56〜64 weeks old were used as young adult and old groups, respectively. The results are as follows: 1 Nomarked difference in the GAG content was found among the three groups. Qualitative analysis of GAG by two dimensional electrophoresis revealed the presence of hyaluronic acid, dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate. No marked difference was found in the intensity of the staining in these components between young and old groups. 2 Sulfated GAG was observed in the part of connective tissue, while nonsulfated GAG observed mainly in the epithelial part of the gingiva by histochemical staining. Staining intensity was almost equal between young and old groups. 3 Total collagen content was extremely high in adult and old groups as compared with young group. This finding was also confirmed by histochemical staining. 4 Both the contents of salt-and soluble collagens were increased in adult group but the increased levels were declined in old group. The content of insoluble collagen was extremely high in adult and old groups as compared with young group.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会の論文
- 1982-03-28
四方 英夫
内海 順夫
四方 英夫
平松 正彦
南 直臣
近藤 真弓理
畠山 桂子
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