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Since the first reported case of multiple primary carcinomas (Billroth 1869), this interesting condition has become more prevalent from year to year.<BR>We report a case of multiple primary carcinoma involving the oral floor and the liver in a 62-year-old male. This case satisfied diagnostic criteria of both Billroth as well as Warren and Gates.<BR>In addition we reviewed the Japanese literature from 1934 to 1986 which included 323 cases of multiple primary carcinoma involving the head and neck regions.<BR>(1) The average age of patients was 60.4 years, cases occurred most frequently during the 7 th to 8 th decade.<BR>(2) The ratio of males to females was 2.4:1.<BR>(3) Synchronous (within 6 months) carcinomas occurred in 42% of cases and metachronous was found in 58% of cases.<BR>(4) In multiple primary carcinomas of head and neck, carcinomas involving multiple different maxillary lesions were most frequent.<BR>(5) In cases of primary carcinoma of the head and neck involving other regions, the stomach and esophagus were most frequent sites.<BR>(6) The most common histologic type of neoplasms were squamous cell carcinoma. Both first and second cancers frequently well identified.
内海 順夫
藤田 訓也
若林 一夫
早乙女 均
鈴木 正二
斎藤 一彦
重松 可明
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