Dynamic study as approach to accomplishment of separation of the pterygomaxillary suture in Le Fort type I osteotomy - The strain distribution in craniofacial bones resulting from the use four types of osteotomes.:The strain distribution in craniofacial b
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Recently, vari0us surgical techniques have been developed fbr treatment of c0ngenital and acqmred malfbrmatiorB of the craniofacial bones.<BR>Especially, le Fort type I osteotomy and the mandibular sagittal split technique have had wide application apd have produced go0d results.<BR>However, we believe there is great danger when the pterygomaxillary suture is separated during le Fort type I osteotomy.<BR>Some surgeons have rep0rted complications arising fbm 1Le Fort type I oste0tomy such as nasal septum perfbration, vital tooth death, severe bleeding etc.<BR>Despite these facts, the dynamic behavior of craniofacial bones during separation of maxil lary tuberosity fmm the pterygoid plates is unknown.<BR>ln a simuladon experiment of le Fort type I osteotomy using an airdried human skull, we obtained interesting results on the measurement of the principal strain distribution at the time of separation of the pterygomaxillary suture.<BR>Four types of osteotomes were used in this simulation: straight osteotome, Obwegeser, s osteotome swan's neck osteotome and modified swan, s neck osteotome.<BR>Befbre separation of the umlateral pterygomaxillary suture, the minimum principal strain was registered by use of Obewegeser's osteotome.<BR>After separation of the unilateral pterygomaxillary suture, the minimum stmn was measured by use of swan's neck osteotome and straight soteotome (posterior to anterior about 30. to the sagittal plane).
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
山本 美朗
高 徳松
角田 豊作
青野 宏
平沼 康彦
阪本 栄一
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