A Case of Leiomyosarcoma
- 論文の詳細を見る
A patient, 39-year-old male, first had noticed a small subcutaneous tumor in his calf in 1970. This tumor had been resected twice on May and June in 1976. But the tumor showed a local recurrence and metastases to the regional lymphnodes, which were also removed after the administration of ADR.A distant soft part metastasis, noticed on his back on February in 1977, became small by the effect of chemotherapy with ADR.Histologically, the tumor cells with blunt-ended nuclei in the interlacing cords were high gradely anaplastic. The mitotic rate was elevated (1-5/HPF).Reticulin was usually present and a majority of the fibrosis was parallel with the long axis of the tumor cells.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
山本 吉蔵
前山 巌
古瀬 清夫
森 芳紘
森 芳紘
古瀬 清夫
鳥取大学医学部 整形外科学教室
藤原 正通
山本 吉蔵
鳥取大学医学部 整形外科学教室
藤原 正通
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