Three cases with slipped femoral capital epiphysis.
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Three cases with slipped femoral capital epiphysis were reported.Case 1: A 18-year-old man with femoral capital epiphysis slipped bilaterally had been operated on by arthrodesis of the right hip joint and epiphyseal arrest by multiple pinning in the other hip. In admittance he complained of left coxalgia, and his left femoral capital epiphysis was displaced 75 degrees posteriorly. Bumpectomy and O'Malley's muscle release operation were selected for his left hip joint. After surgery, his activity of daily living improved remarkably.Case 2: A 13-year-old boy with right femoral capital epiphysis slipped 63 degrees posteriorly was treated by Fish's cuneiform osteotomy. Preventively, the other femoral capital epiphysis was arrested in situ by multiple pinning. In our evaluation at five months after surgery, he had no complaints about his bilateral hip joints.Case 3: a 16-year-old boy with bilateral mild slipped femoral capital epiphysis had been treated by epiphyseal arrest. Multiple pinning in situ was done for the right hip at the age of 9 years and the left at 13 years. His activity of daily living was not disturbed at the time of postoperative evaluation.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
岸本 英彰
前山 巌
山本 吉蔵
鳥取大学医学部 整形外科学教室
倉信 耕爾
平川 訓己
鳥取大学医学部 整形外科学教室
平川 訓己
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