Malignat Fibrous Histiocytoma Associated with Diver disease
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Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma with diver's bone infarct is rarely reported.51 year old man, engaged in diving for about twenty three years. He was treated operativery, bone grafting in the head of right femur and left humerus, under a diagnosis of diver disease when he was age of thirty two. He was admitted with a pain in right thigh in January 1978.Tumor was palpated in right thigh with local heatness and swelling. Roentgenogram in right distal end femur and bone scintigram revealed a high concentration at the site of the lesion. Arteriogram showed a hypervascularity at the site of same lesion.Amputation and infusion of anticancers was performed.However it is interesting whether there is relation shiip between bone infrartcion and tumor or not.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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