The follow-up study of the prosthetic replacement.
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The follow-up data of the hip endoprosthesis for femoral neck fractures were evaluated by the questionaire including daily activity.Thirty-two out of sixty-six patients could be evaluated. The cases consists of four males and twenty-eight femsles. The mean age was 73 years old (range, 49-93) and the duration of follow up was from 9 months to ten years (average 3 years).The ratio of the patients who required the cane was 19% before injury and increased to 59% at the time of evaluation.Fifty-two percent of the patients could walk out of doors up to five years after operation. On the other hand it decreased to 29% over five years. Sixty-seven percent of the patients over 80 years old could walk inside of the house. About 80% of the patients had some disability as well as pain at the time of evaluation. The incidence of the patients who could go up down stairs and sit straight was below 50%, but 84% of the patients could sit or squat to evacuate the bowel themselves.In conclusion, it was suggested that the prosthetic procedure was an effective treatment for femoral neck fractures in the aged.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
飯田 博幸
吉村 豊暢
花村 達夫
舌間 憲士
佐井 伸男
片田江 民雄
高岸 直人
松崎 昭夫
木梨 博史
尾上 敏博
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