A prevention of the shoulder pain and contracture in acute stage quadriplegic patient.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We consider that prevention of contracture of the shoulders in quadriplegic patients is important usual for daily activity. Previously we positioned the shoulder in the case of 90 degrees abduction and reported those results at this 63rd congress. Recently we made a new shoulder positioning device (for cases of 90 degrees abduction with 20 degrees horizontal adduction and slightly external rotation). Such a device was applied to 18 guadriplegic patients who were operated on 3.7 days following injury. This procedure was continued for 4 weeks after the operation. We compared their results 17 patients on whom we did not use. Results showed former group complained less of pain in shoulder and maintain good R. O. M., Our treatment was beneficial for patients in the acute phase to prevent problems in shoulders.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
芝啓 一郎
佐々木 邦雄
植田 尊善
角田 信昭
香月 正昭
権藤 英資
権藤 英資
総合せき損センター 整形外科
山野 耕一郎
浅川 康司
城戸 正喜
松尾 清美
井手 将文
木村 利和
広重 靖
浅川 康司
総合せき損センター 整形外科
浅川 康司
芝啓 一郎
総合せき損センター 整形外科
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