Osteochondritis of the first metatarsal sesamoid - A case report.
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Recently, we experienced a rare osteochondritis of the first fibular metatarsal sesamoid. A 31-year-old man complained of pain in the area of the right first metatarsal head of 2 years' duration on weight bearing and walking. There was no history of trauma or other joint involvement. Tenderness was found on the first metatarsal head of his right foot. X-rays showed irregular mottling, increased or decreased, mixed density. Technetium 99 bone scan in the patient showed a hot spot with central defect over the affected region. We excised the sesamoid in July 1983. There was an irregular crater with central necrosis in the specimen. The pathological specimen showed focal necrosis and fibrosis with capillary proliferation in the center of the sesamoid bone. On the follow-up visit the patient had no complaints.
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