Ulnar nerve palsy complicating fractures of the radius and ulna three case reports.
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Lesions of the ulnar nerves as a complication of fracture of the distal radius and ulna are uncommon even if well known. Three cases of this condition are presented.Case 1 was a 57-year-old woman. There was a Colles' fracture of her left wrist and paresthesia in the area of the distribusion of the median and ulnar nerves. Six months after injury, neulolysis of the median and ulnar nerves was done.Although the median nerve was recovered gradually, the ulnar nerve had not returned. Eight months after the first surgery, neulolysis and resection of the ulnar head was performed. Six months later the ulnar nerve function was recovered.Case 2 was a 45-year-old man who had open fracture of the distal radius and ulna, and had paresthesia in the area of the distribution of the median and ulnar nerves. Four months after injury, osteosynthesis and neulolysis of the median and ulnar nerves was performed. Both nerves were found to be tethered at the fracture level. Six months after operation, the median and ulnar nerve functions were recovered.Case 3 was a 36-year-old man who had distal ulnar fracture and paresthesia in the area of distribution of the ulnar nerve. Four months after injury, osteosynthesis and neulolysis was performed. Two months later, the ulnar nerve function was recovered.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
松崎 昭夫
城戸 正喜
太田 佳介
木梨 博史
福岡大学筑紫病院 整形外科
高嶋 研介
櫻井 日出也
深堀 雄蔵
吉村 豊鴨
太田 佳介
福岡大学筑紫病院 整形外科
城戸 正喜
福岡大学筑紫病院 整形外科
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