Results of Caused Operative Treatment for Pathological Fractures by Metastasis to the Extremities.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We operated on six pathological limb fractures due to metastatic tumor from 1993 to 1994. There were four fractures of the femoral neck, and two fractures of the humerus. Two cases were operated palliatively using an Ender's nail, and four cases radically involving total extirpation of the tumors followed by insertion of several implants. The Huckstep system was used in two cases, and artificial humeral head, and plate and cement in one case respectively.Five cases died within three months after the operation. Average life span was eleven weeks. Only one case is still alive. We evaluated these six cases retrospectively according to the preoperative prognosis criterion for pathological fractures due to extremities metastasis (by Tokuhashi, et al.). This criterion did not show a definite prognosis for our patients. No cases obtained fully functioning extremities postoperatively but five cases were relatively relieved from preoperative pain. One case with intra-pelvic metastasis suffered from severe pain until death. We concluded that operative treatment for metastatic tumor of the extremities provided patients with relief of pain if it was performed following definite surgical indication.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
大宮 克弘
仙波 英之
酒井 健次
宏洲 士郎
星野 秀士
佐々木 邦雄
山口赤十字病院 整形外科
松田 和浩
高畠 一雄
城戸 正喜
福岡大学筑紫病院 整形外科
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