Prognosis of the talus fracture.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Talus fractures are an infrequent occurrence and because of their anatomic unigueness, avascular necrosis often occurs.We performed open reduction on 9 patients with 7 talar neck fractures and 2 body fractures and kept all patients non weight bearing for at least 6 months after surgery.The mean follow up time was 6 years and 5 months with a range of 9 months to 15 years and 9 months.The results of examination were evaluated by X-ray.X-ray changes were as follows, except two cases.(1) Hawkins' sign was seen at an average of 2 months after surgery. (2) Sclerotic changes were seen at an avarage of 6 months after surgery. (3) Recovery of the avascular change was seen at an average 6 months after surgery.In summary, our treatment of talus fractures was satisfactory.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
藤田 雅章
長崎大学 整形外科
寺本 司
長崎大学 整形外科
松坂 誠應
長崎大学 大学院医歯薬学総合研究科保健学専攻
岩崎 勝郎
長崎大学 整形外科
瀬良 敬祐
松坂 誠應
長崎大学 整形外科
平野 徹
長崎大学 整形外科
梅木 義臣
小無田 要
長崎大学 整形外科
乗松 敏晴
長崎大学 整形外科
瀬良 敬祐
三菱病院 整形外科
梅木 義臣
瀬良 敬祐
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