Lord's Osteotomy for Patello-femoral Joint Disorders
- 論文の詳細を見る
We performed Lord's osteotomy on 36 patients (42 knees) for treatment of the patellofemoral joint disorders between 1983 and 1987 and followed them up for post-operative ex-amination for periods from six months to four years and 10 months, or one year and 11 months on the average. The results of examinations as evaluated by grading according to the Cox's criteria were as follows: excellent in 16 knees (38.1%); good in 25 knees (59.5%); and fair in 1 knee (2.4%).The surgical procedure employed was deemed highly useful because it permitted ventralization and medialization of the tibial tubercle to be performed at the same time without the need for bone graft.
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