Follow-up study of the treatment of ankle fractures.
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This paper presents an analysis of the results of the treatment of ankle fractures. A follow-up study was performed on 78 of 112 cases of ankle fractures treated surgically between 1977 and 1988. The fractures were grouped into five types according to the classification of Lauge-Hansen. The subjective clinical results were good in 70, fair in 5 and poor in 3. The objective results were good in 61, fair in 13 and poor in 4 according to Gregory's evaluation. Anatomical reduction and rigid fixation significantly affected the clinical results.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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- 19.脊損患者における車椅子上での運動能力(脊髄障害)
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- 18.床反力側方分力からみた歩行時の側方制御について(歩行分析)
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