Experiences of Treatment of the Resistant Congenital Clubfoot with Turco's Posteromedial Release Method
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Since 1973, we have treated the resistant congenital clubfoot with postermedial release method described by Turco (1971). An investigation was made for tracing such operated case whose followed-up period was over a year.The total cases operated from 1973 to 1977 are forty-four feet of thirty-one cases, of which, thirty-one feet of twenty-two cases were followed up over a year. In the early, the operated age was about at two years of age, recently, the operated age was about at a year of age.Except five feet of five cases two operated in the early, and a foot of which the Kirschner's pin dropped out during casting period, all were got good results, however, this method can not correct the adducted forefoot and cavusfoot, for these, further surgical treatment is necessary.Considering of the development of the foot, of atrophy of the calf mucsles, it is better to shorten the period of casting or prosthesing for surgical treatment early.
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