Posterior dislocation of the elbow joint accompanied with the fracture of the coronoid process.
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We report 5 cases of the posterior dislocation of the elbow joint accompanied with the fracture of the coronoid process. In case 1, as the coronoid process had been crushed, a piece of bone was extracted. However, the redislocation occurred, so the iliac bone was transplanted to the lost coronoid process, and the medial collateral ligament was replanted after transferring the triceps tendon. After the operation, there has been no redislocation. ROM remains between 20 and 125 degrees.In both case 2 and 5, the bone was reduced and fixed. Then, neither redislocation nor ROM limitation has been seen. Satisfactory prognosis has been seen.In both case 3 and 4, the fracture of the radial head had been associated and the radial head was excised from 2 cases. In the field of the coronoid process, the internal fixation was conducted in case 3, and in case 4, medical treatment was conducted conservatively. After the operation, in case 3 ROM was restricted between 20 and 125 to a slight degree. But, in case 4, no ROM limitation has been observed.
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