The Relationship of Physigue and Dietary Intake to Motor Ability in Childhood
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The purpose of this study was to discuss the relationship of physique and dietary intake to motor ability in childhood. One-hundred and sixty kindergarten children were divided into three groups based on their motor ability (low-ranking, middle-ranking and high-ranking). Standing height and body weight significantly correlated with motor ability, but skin fold thickness did not. Energy and nutrients, except Calcium, from meals of the low-ranking group was the lowest in the three groups, although they met the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Japanese. There was no significant correlation between dietary intake and motor ability even though the dietary intake in the high-ranking group was better than those in the low- and middle-ranking groups.
- 日本発育発達学会の論文
上田 毅
上田 毅
Kawahara Hiroyuki
Aoyagi Osamu
Fukuoka University, Faculty of Physical Education
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- The Relationship of Physigue and Dietary Intake to Motor Ability in Childhood