- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the shape of the mouth on spatial attention evoked by gaze. Mouth shapes used were a straight mouth, a round mouth, an upper semicircular mouth, and a lower semicircular mouth, which correspond to a neutral expression, a surprise expression, an unpleasant expression, and a pleasant expression, respectively. No cuing effects were found in 600 ms and 1000 ms SOA conditions. In shorter SOA conditions (50 ms to 300 ms), facial expressions revealed significantly different time courses of the cuing effect. A significant response time (RT) gain appeared later and disappeared earlier in the pleasant face condition than in the neutral face condition. In the surprise face condition, the RT gain was lost earlier than in the neutral face condition. An unpleasant face condition showed a rather similar change in RT gain to the neutral face condition. SOA conditions in terms of maximal gains were discussed.
- 日本感情心理学会の論文
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