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The α track etch method, which is one of the geochemical survey methods for the mapping and detection of active faults and the evaluation of their activities, has been applied to the Kannawa and Kozu-Matsuda fault areas for the purpose of the study of active faults.The method conventionally measures relative radon concentration in the soil gas by counting the track density (tracks/cm2·day) recorded on a small piece of plastic film (cellulose nitrate) which is sensitive to α-ray radiation.As the result of the track measurement on survey lines crossing the Kannawa fault and the younger fault which cuts the former at Yumotodaira, the town of Yamakita, Kanagawa Prefecture, it was clarified that the peak in the track density appeared just above the points on the both fault lines which were shown by HOSHINO and HASE (1977).As the results of the track measurement on the survey lines K at the vicinity of the Kamonomiya tunnel on Shinkansen, Japanese National Railways and S1, S2, and S3 at Sogodai, the town of Ohi, Kanagawa Prefecture, crossing the Kozu-Matsuda fault system, the following was clarified:1. A group of several peaks in the track density at the western segment of survey lines S1 and S2 corresponds, to"a"fault of the Kozu-Matsuda fault system which was shown by Research Group for Active Faults (1980).2. A group of several peaks in the track density at the eastern segment of the survey line S2 corresponds to the eastern fault in parallel with"a"fault of the Kozu-Matsuda fault system.3. Because there are many peaks in the track density on the survey lines S1 and S2, it is supposed that there exists a wide fault fracture zone under the Sogodai hill.4. Some peaks in the track density on the survey line K correspond to"d"fault of the Kozu-Matsuda fault system.5. Considerable difference in the track density between"a"and"d"faults may suggest the difference in the activity of both faults.
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