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The growth pattern of the common myctophid fish, Diaphus suborbitalis in Suruga Bay, Japan, is presented. On the basis of the seasonal changes in the size frequency distribution, it is shown that juvenlies, 15-20mm in standard length (SL), that occurred in autumn rapidly grew up to about 50mm SL by next summer, and after that the growth rate gradually decreased. Growth rate decreases in winter. The growth curve was derived based on the specimens whose ages were calculated from the otolith. The maximum standard length observed was 67mm at the age of 2.5 years. Lanternfishes are among the most abundant mesopelagic fishes in the open sea and their importance in the marine food web has been pointed out by ANON1) and GULLAND.2) Although there is considerable literature on the taxonomy of these fishes, very little is known about their ecology. The few species the ecology of which has been studied to some degree include Lampanictus leucopsarus (BOLLIN3)), Myctophum affine (ODATE4)), Benthosema glaciale (HALLIDAY5), GJOSAETER6)), Stenobrachius leucopsarus (SMOKER and PEARCY7)), and Diaphus suborbitalis (GO et al.8)). In the course of a study of the ecology of Diaphus suborbitalis, one of the dominant myctophid fishes in Suruga Bay, Go et al.8) have reported on its aging and lifespan. The present study describes the seasonal growth pattern of this species.
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