- 論文の詳細を見る
A large proportion of moderately halophilic bacteria exist in considerable numbers in marine environment, just off the coast of Japan. Viable counts of the marine moderate halophiles and general heterotrophic marine bacteria varied from station to station. A large proportion of protease-producing bacteria was found among heterotrophic bacteria and a considerable proportion of protease-producers was also found among moderate halophiles in the various marine environments studied. Mean value of the occurrence of total protease producers among heterotrophic marine bacteria was generally higher than that of the moderately halphilic bacteria; that is, the proportions were 70% in Tokyo Bay, 80% in Sagami Bay, 60% in the Kuroshio region and 30% in the sediments of Sagami Bay in the case of the heterotrophic marine bacteria; 30% in Tokyo Bay, 45% in Sagami Bay, 20% in hte Kuroshio region and 15% in the sediments of Sagami Bay in the case of the moderately halophilic bacteria. Among the moderately halophilic isolates teseted, Pseudomonas spp. were always found to be dominant in seawater sample. Howeverk, Acinetobacter spp. were dominant in the moderate halophiles in the sediments. Only a small percentage of Flavobacterium spp. and Caulobacter spp. were found in the microflora.
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