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To utilize marine bacteria for the cultivation of a rotifer, Brachious plicatilis MÜLLER, the bacterial strains available as food were screened. The experimental results showed that only two Pseudomonas strains (P-1, P-7) were available amoug various tested strains. On the other hand, the results of mass-culture of ratifer, using the above two strains and the microbial flock produced by the method of IMAMURA and SUGITA, indicated that the strain P-7 was superior to the others; i. e., the rotifer population multiplied 4 times after 2 days and 6.5 times agter 3 days in the culture tank fed with the former strain, and the egg number carried by 100 rotifers in the tank was also higher then that in the other tanks fed with the others. Changing trends of the amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and NO2-N suggest that the multiplication of rotifer also depended on the regeneration rate of the nutrient matters dissolved in the culture tank.
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