- 論文の詳細を見る
The lancetfish is a kind of deep-sea and underevolved fish having adipse fin and synchronous hermaphroditism. No report has been made on the ultrastructure of the striated muscle from the viewpoint of an underevolved fish, or that of that of comparative physiological research. One of the characteristics of its structure is the location of a triad or dyad formed by the SR and Ttubule. The triad or dyad of the muscle lifting the stomach, as the visceral muscle, and M. protactor aric branchialis is located on the level of A-I junction of the myofibril. However, it is located on the level of Z-band in M. lateralis. The myofibrils of these muscles have clear striations. Differing from any other animal's muscle, intramyofibrial space is quite rough and there exists lots of sarcoplasma (extra-or intracellular fluid) with developed internal membrane system. It is characteristic that electron densed deposits are included in the SR, They are suspected to be accumulation of Ca++ ions. The intercalated disc of the heart muscle advances straight into sarcoplasma, differing from other heart muscle. It may be one part of stiucture showing a developmental process of a heart muscle.
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