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In the present study, the uptake of rabbit immunoglobulin, anti-HRPO (horseradish) peroxidase rabbit IgG, into the mucosal epithelial cells in the intestine of ayu-fish (Plecoglossus altivelis) peroxidase have been investigated. First of all, rabbit's antiserum against HRPO was prepared. Subsequently 1.0-1.5 ml of the antiserum was administered into the intestine from the anus. Ayu-fish was sacrificed between 30 minutes and 24 hours after the administration and the intestines were fixed by PLP (periodate lysine paraformaldehyde). Histological specimens of the fixed intestines were sectioned, incubated with HROPrabbit solution and stained cytochemically with Graham and Karnovsky (1966) method. Light microscopic observation revealed that anti-HRPO rabbit IgG granules existed in the mucosal epithelial cells of intestinal posterior region within 30 minutes after the administration. One of the anti-HRPO rabbit IgG granules were transported from the tip of the mucosal epithelial cells near the basement membrance at 2 hours after the administration. And the anti-HROP rabbit IgG granules were digested within 12-24 hours after the administration. Results of light microscopic observation suggested the possibility of the oral immunization in fishes.
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