- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was carried out to investigate whether or not halotolerant histamine (Hm)-forming bacteria could produce Hm and some non-volatile amines in sardine products containing a high concentration of NaCl. The total number of Hm-forming and halotolerant bacteria and the contents of non-volatile amines of each sample were measured in composite samples of sardine with the addition of 2 or 12% NaCl. Hm, cadaverine (Cad), and tyramine were not detected in any of the samples before storage. The contents of Cad and Hm increased rapidly during storage at 30°C in the samples with 2% NaCl added. Hm, putrescine, and Cad were formed during storage at 30°C in the sample with 12% NaCl added, in which the number of halotolerant Hm-forming bacteria varied from less than 10/g to 104/g. It is suggested that halotolerant Hm-forming bacteria producenon-volatile amines in sardine meat with 12% NaCl added.
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- タイトル無し
- Occurrence of Halotolerant and Halophilic Histamine-Forming Bacteria in Marine Fish and Non-volatile Amine Production by These Bacteria.