岩手県岩泉地区における人結核と牛結核の関連性 (第3報)
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Approximately one third of ca. 5, 000 households in the town of Iwaizumi, which is located in the Kitakami Mountain District in Iwate Prefecture in Japan, have been raising cattle. The sanitary conditions of the district were very poor. For instance, the members of the family were living under the same roof with their cattle. Therefore, it could be assumed that tuberculosis might be transferred from the members of the family to their cattle and vice versa. From this standpoint, the relation between the tuberculosis of human beings and that of cattle was investigated.<BR>1) The incidence of positive tuberculin reaction was 43.3 per cent of 584 cattle-keepers and their relatives, whereas, that of 393 non-cattlekeepers was significantly lower, showing 32.8 per cent.<BR>2) Eighteen relatives (41.8 per cent) of 43 cattle-keepers whose cattle were sacrificed because of positive tuberculin reaction were found as patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. On the other hand, 26 (23. 8 per cent) of 109 cattle-keepers whose cattle reacted negatively to the tuberculin test were detected as patients of pulmonary tuberculosis.<BR>3) Twenty-three strains of tubercle bacilli were cultivated from the 100 people, but were determined as a human type of tubercle bacilli by using the niacin test.<BR>Thirteen cattle were sacrificed because of positive tuberculin reaction, but were found to be “non-visible-lesion reactors”. Fifty samples of various kinds of organs taken from 13 sacrificed cattle gave neither human type nor bovine type of tubercle bacilli upon cultivation, except for 4 acid-fast strains which were proved as saprophytes by the biochemical classification.<BR>4) To investigate the cause of the non-visiblelesion reactor cattle, pupils of primary andsecondary schools were tested with purified tuberculin-π, which was prepared from the avian type (A-71), the scotochromogen (Ishiistrain), the nonphotochromogen (Gamo-strain) and the photochromogen (P-16), along with the human strain H<SUB>37</SUB>Rv-πI as a control.<BR>The incidence of positive tuberculin reaction was generally higher by using the tuberculinπ of the H<SUB>37</SUB>Rv-strain than by using the other tuberculin-π, however, there were about 4 percent of the reactors who did react to the other tuberculin-π.<BR>5) Gastric juice, throat swabs, or sputum were collected from the pupils whose tuberculin test reacted more strongly to the other tuberculin-π than to the H<SUB>37</SUB>Rv-tuberculin-π, and they were cultivated and examined for acid-fast bacilli. One strain of the acid-fast bacilli was cultivated from 75 cases and was determined as photochromogen. Guinea pigs were sensitized by the injection of 10 types of mycobacteria. These were H<SUB>37</SUB>Rv, BCG, M. 11755, No.8, No.6, Yamamoto strain, M. smeg matis, M. phlei and Soil III and were grown on modified Sautons media, from which the purified tuberculin-π was prepared for each by the method of Toda and co-workers.<BR>6) The guinea pigs infected with H<SUB>37</SUB>Rv-strain reacted positively not only to the H<SUB>37</SUB>Rv-tuber culin-π, but also to the BCG-π, M. 11755-π and No.8-π, but none reacted positively to theπ-tuberculin of the remaining strains. Likewise, the guinea pigs infected with one strain reacted not only to the π-tuberculin of this strain but also to the tuberculin-π of some other strains. From this standpoint, it can be assumed that some strains of mycobacteria might have a common antigenicity.<BR>7) As above mentioned, from an epidemio logical standpoint, some relation was found between patients of pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculous cattle, but we could not find any bovine type of tubercle bacilli in human beings, and neither a human type nor a bovine type of tubercle bacilli in the cattle of “non-visible lesion reactors. ” This study will be continued.
木村 武
佐藤 正弘
岡 捨己
今野 淳
中村 良雄
工藤 穰
鈴木 茂
内藤 貞勝
小野寺 喜久男
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