- 論文の詳細を見る
We identified all the niacin-non-producing mycobacterium strains isolated from sputa of patients in our hospital from April to September, 1979. Atypical mycobacterium strains were isolated from 1.75% of the sputum specimens. Finally, 24 independent atypical mycobacterium strains were identified as <I>Mycobacterium intracellulare</I> (75.0%), <I>M. kansasii</I> (8.3%), <I>M. gordonae</I> (8.3%), <I>M. nonchromogenicum</I> (4.2%) and <I>M. fortuitum</I> (4.2%). All these species were also reported by the co-operative study group of the Japanese National Chest Hospitals, but in our hospital, rather a variety of species were widely isolated than any single hospital of the members of co-operative group.<BR>These <I>M. intracellulare</I> strains were typed serologically using the anti-sera against 17 type standard strains to distinguish human popular strains (types 6, 14 and 16) from the strains to cause intestinal tuberculosis for domestic animals (types 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) and other strains. Our strains were classified into types 6, 16, 15, 8, 12 and others. No type 14 strain, one of the most popular human types, was isolated in our materials, but these results suggested that not only human types but also the typec to cause intestinal tuberculosis for domestic animals were common in human patients.
- 日本結核病学会の論文
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