III. 結核化学療法剤の作用機序
- 論文の詳細を見る
Mode of action of antituberculosis drugs was studied by electron microscopy and biochemical methods.<BR>1) Fine structure of tubercle bacilli treated with kanamycin revealed disappearence of normal structure of ribosome and aggregation of the cytoplasm. By biochemical study, it was observed that kanamycin inhibits polypeptide synthesis, followed by the break down of polysomes and detachment of m-RNA.<BR>2) Fine structure of tubercle bacilli treated with rifampicin revealed marked changes in the cytoplasm such as loss of compact structure of ribosomes. Destruction of mesosomes and condensation of nucleoid were also observed. The cytoplasmic membrane and the cell wall were well preserved. By biochemical study, purified DNA-dependent RNA polymerase prepared from BCG, inhibited 70% of activity of RNA polymerase at a concentration of 0.1μg per m<I>l</I>. Rifampicin seemed to affect the initiation of chain formation in RNA synthesis.<BR>3) Fine structure of tubercle bacilli treated with ethambutol revealed the characteric changes in nuclear region. Numerous vesicles and a little fiber structures of DNA were seen in the nucleus.<BR>4) Fine structure of tubercle bacilli treated with isoniazid revealed the numerous vesicles in the nucleus. Fiber structures of DNA are scarecely observed. Cell wall and cytoplasm are not affected. By biochemical methods, thymidine uptake of bacilli seemed to be affected by isoniazid.<BR>5) Fine structure of tubercle bacilli treated with cycloserine revealed the destruction of cell walls. By ruthenium red staining, it was assumed that peptidglycan of cell wall was damaged.
- 日本結核病学会の論文
今野 淳
MOTOMIYA Masakichi
今野 淳
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- 102 肺癌とフィブロネクチン(FN) : 生化学的性質について
- 12.ブレオマイシンによる肺癌の治療長期生存例について : 第13回日本肺癌学会東北支部会
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- I-D-16 原発性及び転移性肺癌に対する4'-O-tetrahydropyranyladriamycin (THP)のphase I及びearly phase II study
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- 49 小細胞癌に対する化学療法と放射線療法の併用効果について : 予後を中心に
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- 7. 胸部X線上多発性陰影を呈した剖検例 : 第14回日本肺癌学会東北支部会
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- 切除不能非小細胞癌治療の問題点 : 内科治療の立場から
- III. 結核化学療法剤の作用機序
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- 結核菌に対するKanamycinの作用機序
- NIACIN METABOLISM IN MYCOBACTERIA:Quinolinic Acid as a Precursor of Niacin Ribonucleotide and the Difference in Niacin Biosynthesis among Various Species of Mycobacteria