Two cases of globulomaxillary cyst.
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This report presents two cases of globulomaxillary cyst at our hospital.<BR>Case 1. This case was a 22 year old Japanese female who visited our hospital on February 18, 1982. She complained of unusual sensitivity in upper left side lateral incisor area. The upper left side lateral incisor with resin filling showed non-vital pulp, the upper left side canine was vital. Labial and palatal mucosa of their apical part showed no abnormal swelling nor redness, though the area was severely painful. The root distance between the upper left side lateral incisor and canine was expanded, as seen in radiograph. Using a local anesthesia, the cyst was surgically removed; part of the cyst wall contacted with the sinus mucosa. The cyst contained a light, yellow colored serous fluid.<BR>Microscopic examination revealed cystic lining with stratified columner and cuboidal epithelium with scattered squamous epithelium. The wall of the cyst was infiltrated with chronic inflamatory cells. Case 2. A 50 year old Japanese male visited our hospital on October, 16, 1975. He complained of labial gingival swelling of upper left side, central and lateral incisor apical part. The upper left side central, lateral incisor and canine were vital. The cyst was the tip of thumb size, recognized clearly under the upper left side central and lateral incisor apical part in radiograph. Using a local anesthesia, the cyst was surgically removeed. The cyst contained yellow colored serous fluid. Microscopic examination revealed cystic lining with cuboidal epithelium. The loose connective tissue with few infiltrated cells was seen in subepithelial region. In addition to these two cases, we analyzed 62 cases in the existing Japanese literatures (1939-1983).
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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