下顎に発生したBurkitts tumorの1症例
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Since Burkitt (1958) first descrived a kind of sarcomas in the jaws of children in equatorial Africa, the tumor was called Burkitts tumor and many cases have been reported.<BR>A 44-year-old woman visited our hospital with a complaint of a sensory paresthesia of the ower lip and a painless swelling of the thyroid gland and the right mammary area.A lymphadenopathy was noted in only right submandibular region.<BR>In histopathologic examination of biopsy specimen from thyroid gland, a so-called starrysky pattern was conspicuously observed due to macrophages dispersed among neoplastic lymphoid cells.<BR>The diagnosis of Burkitts tumor was made.Further investigations revealed that the malignant cells were B-cell phenotype, however Epstein-Ball virus-determined nuclear antigen (EBNA) was not found.<BR>Although the patient was treated with the combined chemotherapy (BACOP), she died on the 113th day of hospitalization and an autopsy was done.The metastasis of tumor was seen in thyroid, lung, liver, spleen, kidneys, ovaries, mammary glands, diaphragm, brain stem, spinal cord, meninges and in many bone marrows.
宮本 英雄
田村 稔
武田 進
小谷 朗
砂田 修
中嶋 みどり
下條 勝彦
金井 廣重
田島 達彦
渡辺 隆司
宮本 英雄
宮本 英雄
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