ヒト顎関節関節円板の細胞外基質の免疫組織化学的研究 : 第1報: ヒト正常顎関節関節円板について
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Although many investigations for pathogenesis of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders have been made by biochemical and histochemical methods, it has not been elucidated completely.<BR>In the present study, a preliminary examination was made concerning localization on some of proteoglycans (PGs), glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and tenascin a glycoprotein in the articular disc of human adult TMJ immunohistochemically.The fresh materials of the normal articular discs were obtained from 3 adult cadavers within 48 hours of mortality.The 9A2, 3B3, 1B5, CS56, 6B6, 2B1, 5D4 and anti-tenascin antibody were utilized as primary antibodies by the indirect immunohistochemical method.<BR>As a result, we found the following three points.<BR>Firstly, chondroitin 6-sulfate and keratin sulfate were localized intensively in the articular disc, whereas, chondroitin 4-sulfate could not be detected in the disc.<BR>Secondly, small DS-PGI were recognized intensively not only in the articular disc but also in the retrodiscal fat pad, which were stronger than small DS-PG II.<BR>Thirdly, large PG could not be observed except on the vessel wall of capillaries in the retrodiscal fat pad.tenascin was identified at perineurium and some parts of synovial membran on the inferior cavity of TMJ.<BR>We concluded that the toughness and flexibility of the articular disc against loading might be attributable to the above-mentioned structure of the reasonably composed extracellular matrix (ECM).
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- ヒト顎関節関節円板の細胞外基質の免疫組織化学的研究 : 第1報: ヒト正常顎関節関節円板について
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- 顎関節の簡易診断鏡視法の開発と臨床応用について
- Clinical evaluation on alveolar plasty and alveolar ridge augumentation as preprosthetic surgery.
- A case of tardive ulcer of the oral mucosa that appeared 17 years after irradiation.
- 顎関節内障に対する電気メス, レーザー, シェーバーを用いた関節鏡視下手術法
- A case of the congenital aglossia.
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- 顎関節内障にみられる線維性癒着病変 -第2報 : 顎関節鏡視下の生検標本における組織学的検討-
- 舌癌64症例の治療成績と臨床病理学的検討
- Experimental study on the healing and morphologic changes after partial diskectomy in rabbit temporomandibular joint.
- 下唇に発生した腺様嚢胞癌に対する Estlander 法の即時再建への応用
- Kole 法による corticotomy の臨床的検討
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