Design Study and Analysis of a Shipboard NOx Reduction Plant
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We have made a design study on the installation of the NOx reduction plants on ships to make technical problems clear and to account for the economical aspects in case the NOx reduction technology using an ammonia SCR process for stationary plants would be applied for marine use. Following items are investigated. 1) The quantity of catalyst used for this process and the size of reactor. 2) The storage quantity of reductant. 3) The layout of the plants in the engine room. 4) The cost for installation. 5) The running cost.<BR>As a result of the study, we obtained some knowledge on the technical items should be improved. First of all is the downsizing of the plant. Spaces neccessary for the plant and the exhaust gas ducts are almost equivalent to those of the main engine. Secondary, development of a low temperature active catalyst.Third, development of a low cost, easy-to-handle reductant.<BR>As for the economical aspects, the initial cost is accounted in between 5 % and 8 % of a ship's price and to be indifferent to the NOx reduction rate. On the contrary, the running cost will be much affected by the rate of NOx reduction and the price of reductant.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
森 高志
桜井 秀明
門脇 洋治郎
園田 憲一
川崎重工業 (株)
山下 尚
川崎重工業 (株)
中山 信義
川崎重工業 (株)
神社 洋一
川崎重工業 (株)
森 高志
川崎重工業 (株)
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- Design Study and Analysis of a Shipboard NOx Reduction Plant