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An extensive investigation was carried out to evaluate the feasibility of using Exxon Donor Solvent (EDS) coal-derived liquid fuel for marine diesel engines.<BR>The characterization analyses and the thermogravimetry were first performed predicting the nature of the fuels and their properties relevant to diesel engine performance, and also compatibility of EDS coal liquid and marine diesel oil (MDO) was tested. The combustion test of several blending fuels of EDS and MDO was carried out with two laboratory engines of high and medium speed type. The test clarified the available maximum ratio of bleding in unmodified engines and the effect of modification such as higher compression ratio and higher intake air temperature was confirmed.<BR>As the result, the characteristics of EDS coal liquid have been clarified and the performance of EDS and its blending fuels with MDO in diesel engines was found. And then, the investigation found that the existing high speed engine, which was used in this test, as well as medium speed ones can use EDS blended with MDO in the ratio 50 to 50 with small modification and some countermeasures.
- 社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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