油圧駆動電子制御システムによるエンジン性能の向上-1-油圧作動式燃料噴射,給排気弁駆動機構〔含 質疑応答〕
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It is expected that, in the future, ships will operate under ideal conditions which take into account safety, reliability and cost. Propulsion engines installed on such ships are required to have greater versatility which can secure optimal operation in response to changing conditions ( including engine load and speed, fuel properties, and atmosphere ) .<BR>Electronic control is a vital technology which realizes the greater versatility of marine diesel engines. The fuel injection and inlet/exhaust valve systems remarkably influence the engine performance. However, these systems are not yet fully controlled electronically in practical use.<BR>This paper describes newly-developed, hydraulically-actuated mechanisms that can conduct both the fuel injection and the inlet/ exhaust valve operation of diesel engine through solenoid valves, thus obviating the conventional cam-driven mechanism. We combined these mechanisms with the electronic control unit, that was also developed in our study, and mounted them as a "mechatronics system" on an uprated, single cylinder test engine for the verification test. The test results proved that not only can these mechanisms provide stable operational characteristics over a wide range of operation, but they also can operate accurately and smoothly under various conditions through electronic control.<BR>This paper describes the fruit of the Technological Research Association of Highly Reliable Marine Propulsion Plant.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
東部 泰昌
中村 陽一
石山 拓二
佐藤 修一
川崎重工業 (株)
園田 憲一
川崎重工業 (株)
北田 裕司
川崎重工業 (株)
中村 陽一
川崎重工業 (株)
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