- 論文の詳細を見る
A sample of 84 elementary school pupils were subjected to the color photography at 7 intervals: the 1st day of toothbrushing, following day, 7th, 8th, 9th, 30th and 130th days in an effort to investigate the manner of dental plaque formation on the labial side of their maxillary central incisors and its subsequent propagative process. The photographs were then serially examined for this purpose.<BR>A greater portion of the plaque generated on the cervical area propagated to the labial surface groove and, further extending the labial surface ridge, the plaque on the mesial side came to join that of the distal side. In some cases, the formation of plaque took place in the center of the labial surface and connected to that of the cervical area. Other different propagative processes were also observed.<BR>These different propagative processes may be attributed to anatomical shapes of the teeth, their positions, method and frequency of toothbrushing.<BR>Of the cases under study, those of first and second degrees as established in Greene's classification were relatively few. It is felt that the assessment criteria for the Greene's classificatory scheme, especially for the first and second degrees, need to be recensidered.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
山田 茂
久野 敏行
中村 清隆
村上 道雄
和田 誠
三島 洋
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