Piperitenone oxide, Piperitenone oxideを主要成分とするMentha arvensis
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The chemotypes of Mentha arvensis (Nihon hakka) have been grouped by combinations of its major components, that is, menthol, menthone, pulegone, piperitone, piperitenone and piperitone oxide in the essential oil. The present report deals with a new chemotype of M. arvensis containing piperitenone oxide-piperitorie oxide as major components of the essential oil. Plants were harvested at blooming time in August and were distilled with steam to yield the oil. The components in the essential oil were detected by the GC-MS method and content of each component was calculated by integrator combined with GLC. The major components were piperitenone oxide(21.8%) and piperitone oxide (28.5%). The oil collected in October showed to contain piperitenone oxide (1.6%) and piperitone oxide (50.5%). The biosynthetic pathways of the major monoterpenes of this chemotype were discussed based on content variations of the essential oil in different seasons.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
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