インターフェロンアルファ-2a (遺伝子組換え) の皮膚悪性腫瘍に対する臨床試験
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With Interferon Alpha-2a (Recombinant), a multi-centered clinical study was performed at 24 institutes in patients with such skin cancers as mycosis fungoides.In the most patients with mycosis fungoides, the interferon was administered intramusclary. On the other hand, in some patients with papulor- or tumor-type mycosis fungoides as well as those with skin metastatic malignant melanoma and epidermal cancers, the interferon was administered to all of their tumor lesions.The dosage regimen was as follows; 3 to 18 million (International Unit: IU) for intramuscle administration, or 3 to 9 million (IU) for local administration to the tumor lesions. Including 28 patients with mycosis fungoides, enrolled were total 40 patients with skin cancers such as ATL, skin metastatic malignant melanoma, epidermal cancers (extramammary paget disease, Bowen's disease, solar keratosis), of which 39 patients were eligible for safety evaluation and 35 were eligible for efficacy evaluation.As for mycosis fungoides, 11 of 23 patients who were eligible for efficacy with systemic administration (22 with intramuscle and 1 with subcutaneous administration) showed PR, and the efficacy rate of the interferon was 45%. In the cases of the other cancers, the intramuscle administration could lead PR in 2 of 2 eligible patients with ATL, and the local administration could lead PR in 2 of 3 with epidermal cancers and CR in 1 of 1 with malignant f olliculoma.With any route of the administration, such subjective and objective symptoms were observed mainly as fever, malaise, anorexia, headache, nausea/vomiting, and itching/ rash. As laboratory abnormalities, leucopenia thrombocytopenia, and SGOT/SGPT elevation were also seen. These adverse events were not irreversible nor clinically significant with any concerns.It was concluded that Interferon Alpha-2a is effective and tolerable for treatment of mycosis fungoides.
- 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会の論文
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- 広範囲下口唇癌に対する遊離前腕皮弁による再建症例
- Late phase II clinical test of irinotecan hydrochloride (CPT-11) for squamous cell carcinomas and malignant melanomas.
- 多発性脂腺嚢腫と脂肪腫を併発した Malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumor の1例
- 下口唇癌の治療経験
- 集学的治療を行った悪性血管内皮細胞腫の1例
- 皮膚血管肉腫に対するIL-2を組み込んだ集学的治療 : イムネース研究会3年間のまとめ
- 菌状息肉症を対象とした遺伝子組換え型IL-1β誘導体(OCT-43)の後期臨床第II相試験
- 悪性黒色腫の生化学的マーカーとしての血清5-S-CD値の評価(全国66施設の集計 : 中間報告)
- 成人T細胞白血病に対するMY-1の全身投与による第II相臨床試験
- タイトル無し
- A case of squamous cell carcinoma derived from scar of Buerger's disease.
- 皮膚腫瘤を初発症状としたB-cell lymphoma の1例
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- A group xeroderma pigmentosum producing the epithelium malignant tumor in the eyeball and eyelid conjunctiva.
- 皮膚血管肉腫に対するIL-2を組み込んだ集学的治療-イムネース研究会3年間のまとめ-
- 集学的治療を行った悪性血管内皮細胞腫の1例
- Early stage II phase clinical trial of hydrochloric acid Irinotecan (CPT-11) for skin malignant tumor.
- Cases of malignant lymphomas at the National Cancer Center. A study especially on tumor markers.
- タイトル無し
- 悪性黒色腫に対するフェロン DAV併用療法の検討
- メラノーマの予後因子
- タイトル無し
- The study of parotid gland extirpation in radical neck dissection.
- The study of the case which conducted an axilla clean-up method.
- Chemotherapy.A case of advanced stage of malignant melanoma in which CPT-11 ( Camptothecin derivative ) was effective.
- Malignant pilomatricoma の1例
- Modified fan flap for squamous cell carcinoma and two cases of the reconstruction by the arteria dorsalis pedis flap.
- The treatment of aciclovir (Zovilax) against herpes zoster in cancer patients.
- マウスB16メラノーマに対するDAV+rMuIFN-βの併用効果
- Clinical phase II test of WPG for skin malignant tumors.
- 皮膚悪性腫瘍に対する新BRM, MY-1の局所投与によるパイロットスタディ
- タイトル無し
- 皮膚扁平上皮癌 (有棘細胞癌) の診断と治療
- インターフェロンアルファ-2a (遺伝子組換え) の皮膚悪性腫瘍に対する臨床試験
- An effective case of IFN-.BETA. for multiple skin metastases of melanoma.
- Later phase II clinical test of MY-1 for a skin malignant tumor.
- A case of squamous cell carcinoma of lower lip accompanied by actinic chilitis, lichen planus and verruca vulgaris.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- 成人T細胞白血病に対するMY-1の全身投与による第II相臨床試験
- 菌状息肉症に対するOH-6000後期臨床第II相試験
- Parotid lymph node transition in skin malignant tumors.