A case of squamous cell carcinoma derived from scar of Buerger's disease.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A case of squamous cell carcinoma on the scar of Buerger's disease was described. The patient was 63 years old male and had taken several conservative therapy for Buerger's disease during about 40 years. In July 1991, a new ulcerative lesion developed in the residual scar on the superior aspect of his right foot. Two months later, the ulcer was expanded and he noticed a painful nodule on the edge of the ulcer. The nodule was rapidly enlarged to the hen's egg size. At his first visit to us, a mass, 65×55×30mm in size was obserbed. The surface was smooth and partialy covered with necrotic tissue. The color was almost normal skin color. Three enlarged lymphnodes were palpated in his right groin. A biopsy specimen of the tumor was obtained. The diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of almost well differenciated type and partialy poorly differenciated type was made. In July 1992, thigh amptation and inguinal lymphnodes dissection were performed.
池田 重雄
田嶋 公子
鈴木 正
斉藤 典昭
柴崎 淳夫
林原 義明
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