A new gastrointestinal tract-specific antigen prepared by using a monoclonal antibody, and its characterization.
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A new mammalian gastrointestinal antigen was obtained using monoclonal antibody B6 which was produced by hybridoma cells made by fusing mouse myeloma cells (P3U-1) with spleen cells of BALB/C mouse immunized with suspended colonic cells in a single form of F344 rat. Immunohistochemically, using the peroxidaselabeled antibody-staining method, the antigen against B6 was demonstrated in the surface membrane of epithelial cells of the stomach, small and large intestines of the rat, pig, cow and man. It was not present in the surface mucin or mucin of goblet cells in the intestine. It was also not detected in tissues of other organs i.e. the esophagus, liver, kidney, spleen and lung. The gastrointestinal mucosa of the fish, frog and bird were also found not to have the antigen in the surface membrane of epithelial cells. It's molecular weight was estimated at 63 Kilodaltons by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting.
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