:A Study on Initiation of Duodenal Secretin-induced Migrating Motor Complexes
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In order to study the effect of secretin on gastric and duodenal motor activity, continuous manometric recordings from stomach, duodenum and upper part of jejunum were performed by infused open-tipped method with a low compliance infusion pump on 20 healthy subjects.The contractile patterns of spontaneous migrating motor complexes in human subjects could be divided into two types of migrating motor complexes (MMCs): the one began from gastric phase with maximal gastric motor activity (gastrointestinal-MMC) and the other from duodenal phase (intestinal-MMC). The spontaneous intestinal-MMCs were never preceded by the maximal gastric motor activity.Secretin (Secrepan, Eisai Co., Ltd. Japan) was injected into the vein at 0.1U/kg, 0.25U/kg, 0.5U/kg, 1.0/kg and 2.0U/kg respectively. Over the dose of 0.25U/kg, secretin initiated contractions resembling the intestinal-MMCs. The intravenous administration of 2.0U/kg secretin developed secretin-induced MMCs in 11 of 13 subjects. Secretin-induced MMCs did not differ from spontaneous intestinal-MMCs in their contraction rate, conduction velocity, amplitude and duration. By comparison with gastrointestinal-MMCs, however, only the duration of secretin-induced MMCs and intestinalMMCs was significantly shorter.Secretin-induced MMCs developed by various doses of secretin did not differ each other in their characteristics of duodenal phase.From these results, we suggest that secretin may be involved in the initiation of spontaneous MMCs.
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