八代海沿岸地域における糖尿病の疫学的研究 : 記載死因糖尿病の疫学特性の経年変化について
- 論文の詳細を見る
An epidemiological study was carried out on diabetes mellitus (DM: 9th ICD rubrics 250.0-250.9) mentioned on the death certificates in the coastal area of the Yatsushiro Sea for the 1953-81 period.The number of DM mentioned was 1, 057 for males and 1, 003 for females which accounted for 1.52% and 1.63% of all causes of death (132, 505), respectively. The percentage increased from 0.47 percent in 1953-57 to 3.21% in 1978-81. Underlying cause of death by DM was 403 (0.58%) for males and 461 (0.75%) for females.The percent distribution of both underlying DM and mentioned DM showed a bimodal curve with the highest peaks at ages 20-24 and 60-64.The percent distributions of underlying cause (or mentioned) DM were as follows: DM without mention of complication 49.2% (77.2%), DM with coma 11.3% (5.1%), DM with renal manifestations 7.2% (3.3%), DM with other specified manifestations 31.8% (13.5%) and others 0.4% (0.8%). The proportions of DM with renal and DM with other specified manifestations increased in recent years, while DM without mention of complication decreased.The proportion of underlying cause DM among DM mentioned depends upon the number of DM without mention of complication. Its over-all frequency was generally higher in females than in males. DM with complications tended to be coded as underlying cause with high frequency.Sex ratio was high for underlying cause DM and low for mentioned DM but it depended on the types of DM.Age distribution of DM generally showed that there was a low peak at ages 20-24 and relatively a high peak at ages 70-74. Proportion of deaths over 45 years of age was responsible for more than 90 percent of all causes of death.This study also showed the potential value of multiple causes of death coding in analyses of mortality from DM.
- 日本衛生学会の論文
柴田 義貞
玉城 英彦
二塚 信
新垣 幹男
玉城 英彦
赤木 洋勝
赤木 洋勝
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