男女別悪性新生物死亡に及ぼす社会・経済的要因の解析 : 兵庫県地域保健医療支援情報システムの応用
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Using the database for the Regional Health Information System in Hyogo prefecture, the relationships between regional differences in Standardized Mortality Rates (SMR) of six major types of cancer (1964-1982) vis-à-vis twenty social and economical indices (1965-1980) were analyzed from twenty-nine health centers in Hyogo.Results were as follows:1) The common factors were extracted from among twenty social and economical indices (40 variables including the mean and the slope of each index) using factor analysis. The first (F1) factor related to rural areas, the second (F2) to inland seaside areas and the third (F3) to suburban areas.2) Factor scores for F1 by health centers were positively correlated to the slope of SMR for stomach cancer in males; however, a negative correlation existed with the means of liver and lung cancers in males, the slope of liver cancer in males, the means of stomach, lung, pancreas and breast cancers in females and the slope of breast cancer.3) The ten variables having high F1 factor scores were statistically significant (p<0.001) between the H (having a positive F1) and the L groups (having a negative F1).4) The results suggested that the mean of SMR for breast cancer can be explained (Multiple R: 0.90, Adjusted R square: 0.78) with ten variables using regression analysis.
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