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Supplementary observations on the chemistry of Mercarbide, Mercuroform and their related substances.<BR> A) Mercuroform (M. F.) and Mercarbide (M.)<BR> 1) A certain kind of trimercuri-acetaldehyde (Trim. Acet. Ald.) such as Hofmann's nitrate and chlorate gives M. F-base and alkaliformate by the action of alkali, (M. F-decomposition.) Another group of Trim. Acet. Ald. such as Deniges' sulfate and OHC-C ?? yields M-base. [via the hypothetical substance, hydroxymercuroform. CH≡(HgOH)<SUB>3</SUB>] (M-decomposition)<BR> The only exceptional case is the reaction of OHC-C (HgCl)<SUB>3</SUB> with Alkali by which Alkaliformate and M. F-dichloride, CH ?? are formed.<BR> 2) Trim. Acetone-(or Trim. Acetophenone-) nitrate gives acetyl-(or benzoyl-) -M. F. by the reaction with alkali without liberation of acetic (or benzoic-) acid and formation of M-Structure.<BR> 3) M. and M. F. are changed to their respective sulfates by the action of dil H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> from which M is obtained by saponification. Thus, M. F. is able to be indirectly transfered to M.<BR> 4) When M is immers ed in aqueous solution of alkalihalide, it is perfectly changed to its halide (-Hg- ?? )<SUB>n</SUB>, however, the yield of M. F-halide ?? is always less than 50 % even by the immersion of long time.<BR> 5) M. reacts with conc. or dil. HX-acid to yield the substances CH≡(HgX)<SUB>3</SUB> or CH ?? and these products are identical with those prepared from F. M. [X=Cl, Br]<BR> CH≡(HgI)<SUB>3</SUB> and CH ?? are not obtainable by the action of HI, on either of M. or M. F, however, CH≡(HgI)<SUB>3</SUB> can be easily prepared from M. by the action of (KI+I<SUB>2</SUB>)-reagent.<BR> The actio ns of dil HI solution on M. and M. F. are quite unique, i. e. M is easily transfered to its normal iodide -Hg- ?? )<SUB>n</SUB>, on the contrary, the yield of M. F-iodide ?? is always limited less than 30 % of theoretical value, even by the treating of long time with the renewed solution.<BR> Of the halogen derivatives of hydroxymercuroform, CH ?? is the only substance whith could not be obtained from either of M. or M. F.<BR> 6) Space formula of Mercarbide molecule was examined by Prof. UHARA and KATO basing on the following Physical data. Covalent radius; C, 0.77, 0, 0.66. Hg, 1.29 Å, Valence angle; C, 109°28′. O, 105°. Hg, 180°. It was concluded that the heteroring of M-molecule is twelve-membered irregular and non-coplanar hexagon composed of six atoms of Hg and each three atoms of C and O, and two radicals (-H, -HgOH) are combined with each C atom.<BR> B) <I>a-Str. C=Hg and a′-Str</I>. ( ?? -Hg-)<SUB>n</SUB><BR> By the examination of behaviors of OHC-C ?? (Hofmann's formula.) its structure is assigned to gem-Dimercuripolymer type. ( ?? )<SUB>n</SUB>. (Matterson's expression). Heteroring of such substance is considered to be regular and coplanar pentagon composed of each five atoms of C and Hg.<BR> C) <I>The latent polymeric structure of organo mercury compounds.</I><BR> Taking the cas e of OHC-C (HgCl)<SUB>3</SUB> as an example, the present authors have presumed the polymeric structure of the products obtained by the reaction of Hg-salt solution with acetylene or acetaldehyde.
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